Institute of Kidney Diseases Jobs


Latest Jobs in Institute of Kidney Diseases July 2020

Applications are invited for the following posts under Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Teaching Institution (MTI) Reforms Act, 2015 at Institute of Kidney Diseases (1KD) Hayatabad – Peshawar from qualified candidates belonging to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa / newly merged districts of FATA on prescribed form.

Professor of Anesthesia

MBBS or equivalent Medical qualifications fully recognized/ registered by the PM&DC’.

  • First Preference:- PM&DC Level-III qualification in respective subject OR equivalent
  • PM&DC Level III qualification in the respective specialty approved for teaching by SRC and recognized/registered by PM&DC.
  • At least Three years teaching experience as an Associate professor in the respective subject is essential provided that total experience as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor is not less than 8 years. OR Nine years teaching experience as an Assistant Professor in the respective subject is essential.
  • Six (6) research publications as Associate Professor are required in relevant subject

Associate Professor Anesthesia

  • MBBS or equivalent Medical qualifications fully recognized/ registered by the PM&DC.
  • First Preference:- PM&DC Level Ill qualification in respective subject OR Equivalent PM&DC Level-III qualification in the respective specialty approved for teaching by SRC
  • Gender Male/Female   and recognized/registered by PM&DC.
  • Five years teaching experience as an Assistant Professor in the relevant subject.
  • Seven (07) research publications are required as Assistant Professor in relevant subject.

Trainee Registrar (Anesthesia)

  • MBBS or equivalent Medical qualifications fully recognized/ registered by the PM&DC
  • I st Pref. FCPS Part-II training completed in relevant field.
  • 2nd Pref: Candidates having completed course work of MPhil/equivalent (level 11b) in relevant field.
  • 3rd Pref: Candidates having course work completed of Diploma in Anesthesia (level-11a) can be considered.
  • 4th Pref: Candidates having experience as MO with at least twu (02) years experience in
  • Anesthesia Deptt in any tertiary care Teaching hospital can be considered.
  • The services of selected candidate will be for a period of (01) year further extendable upon the approval of BOG MTI HMC/IKD for a maximum (03) years once in career.

CCTV Camera Operator

  • SSC from a recognized institute.
  • Minimum (03) years CCTV system maintenance & troubleshooting experience in any registered organization with sound knowledge of DVRs and cameras.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Application from can be downloaded from IKD
  2. Processing fee (non-refundable) amounting to Rs.I 000 for Sr # 1, 2, 3 & Rs.500/- for S # 4 should be deposited in online Account titled “DIRECTOR INSTITUTE OF KIDNEY DISEASES PRACTICAL TRAINING ACCOUNT HAYATABAD PESHAWAR” Account # PLS 00463-00-5″ Bank of Khyber HMC Branch, Hayatabad, Peshawar. Fee can be deposited at any Bank of Khyber Branch.
  3. Application accompanied with Original Bank receipt, complete bio data, cell #, two recent attested passport size pictures and attested photocopies of academic/experience documents must reach to the office of the undersigned through registered post/courier during working hours within 15 days from the date of first advertisement in press.
  4. An application received after the closing date and time will not be accepted and shall be automatically stand rejected.
  5. If closing date for the receipt of applications form falls on an official holiday the next working day shall be considered as the closing date for hard copy of the application only.
  6. Interview calls will be issued to short listed candidates only. Short listing will he done either by written test or by their pre-interview marks.
  7. The Scrutiny Committee shall be competent to reject applications which are incomplete. However, the aggrieved candidates can appeal to the competent forum for review. The decision of the competent forum thereof shall be final.
  8. Duly attested photocopies of the documents will be acceptable on the condition that the candidates would bring the original documents when they are called for interview.
  9. 9 Candidature will be cancelled if any candidate found ineligible at any stage for any reason and in that case his/her application will not be processed further.
  10. Duly attested photocopies of the documents will be acceptable on the condition that the candidate would bring the original documents when they are called for interview.
  11. In service candidates should apply through proper channel.
  12. The competent authority has the right to increase/decrease the number of vacancies or cancel/withdraw all or some of the vacancies at any time without giving/assigning any reason.
  13. Experience/higher qualification marks will be given to those candidates who have relevant experience/qualification and only post qualification relevant experience will be considered.
  14. Candidates may be disqualified/excluded from interview if he/she is: a).Convicted by court of law. b).Dismissed from public service commission. c).Fumishes any false information, d).Submits forged certificates, c).Tampers with the entries in his/her candidature by improper means. f).Misbehaves in the interview.
  15. The candidates claiming age relaxation shall be hound to provide age relaxation certificate from competent authority or government rules/regulations regarding age relaxation with the application form otherwise they shall be considered as disqualified.
  16. Date of birth shall ordinarily be the date of birth endorsed on the matriculation/ equivalent certificate.
  17. Errors, omissions, if any, are liable to rectification by the Institute. No TA/DA is admissible for test/interview.

Institute of Kidney Diseases, Hayatabad – Peshawar


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