HITEC University Taxila Jobs


Latest Jobs in HITEC University Taxila August 2020

HITEC University invites applications from highly experienced and qualified professionals for the following positions:-

Name of Post Qualification/Experience
Registrar Qualification: MA/MSc/MBA or equivalent degree with 1st division from HEC
Recognized University / Institution
Experience: 12 years experience (preferably 5 years experience as Deputy Registrar) in HEC recognized University / Institution.
Librarian Qualification:
Master degree in Library & Information Sciences (MLIS)
Experience: 12 years of relevant experience in HEC Recognized University / Institution. Candidate must be well versed in cataloging & classification, management of digital library operations / e-resource arrangements
Network Administrator Qualification: BS/MCS CS/IT (16 Years Education) Experience: 2-3 years
Window Server Administration (Active Directory, VPN, DHCP, etc) Linux Server administration (PFSense, Apachi, Squid, Samba, Naffing) Hands on experience on Routing / Switching / Access-lists and troubleshooting Knowledge of OpenStack, VmWare, Cisco ASA Firewalls
Internal Auditor Qualification:
CA inter/ CFAP with articles completed / ACCA
Experience: 3 years relevant experience in audit and inspection in a University or in Public / Private Organization
Data Entry Operator – Accounts B.Com with minimum 2 years experience

How to Apply:

  1. Please send CV at jobs@hitecuni.edu.pk by August 20, 2020
  2. Please write name of position applied in subject line of email
  3. CVs received after due date will not be considered
  4. Only short listed candidates will be called for interview


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