Government College University (GCU) Faisalabad Jobs


Latest Jobs in Government College University (GCU) Faisalabad July 2020

Applications are invited for the appointments in Government College University Faisalabad from qualified. competent, motivated, and innovative, goal oriented & committed professionals (Pakistani Nationals) for the Positions of Lecturer and Assistant Professor on per lecture basis in the Department of History and Pakistan Studies:

Eligibility Criteria for Assistant Professor
Ph.D in the relevant subject

Eligibility Criteria for Lecturer:-
M.Phil/ MS or equivalent (18 years) or Masters Degree from a Foreign University in the relevant subject


  1. A draft of Rs. 1000/- as registration processing fee in favour of Treasurer Government College University, Faisalabad and original pay order should be enclosed alongwith the application.
  2. Two most recent passport size photographs should be affixed on each application.
  3. Registration will be valid for 06 month only.
  4. Candidates are required to submit written application along with complete C.V and attested copies of testimonials, CNIC & experiences (if any).
  5. Final selection will be based on recommendations of interview committee.
  6. Candidates having previous Teaching Experience will be preferred.
  7. University reserves the right not to appoint any candidate without assigning any reason.
  8. Seats will be filled as per requirement of the department/ discipline concerned.
  9. Employees of the University cannot apply.
  10. Candidates must forward their applications directly in the Department of History and Pakistan Studies GCUF, before the closing date, i.e. 13.07.2020. The interviews of candidates will be conducted on 15.07.2020.
  11. No TA/DA would be admissible when called for Interview.


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