Bureau Of Emigration & Overseas Employment Jobs


Latest Jobs in Bureau Of Emigration & Overseas Employment August 2020

Applications are Invited for the recruitment of following temporary vacancies in Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment

  1. Steno typist (No of Vacant Posts 12)
  2. Naib Qasid (No of Vacant Posts 06)


  1. Age will be calculated with effect from the last date of submitting
  2. 2% Disable quota will be observed in the Recruitment.
  3. 5 years General age relaxation will be admissible as per existing Government
  4. Eligibility of candidate will be determined on the basis of his f her academic qualification as given against each post.
  5. A candidate can apply for more than one post by submitting separate from for each post with separate fee.
  6. Candidate shall present his / her original documents along with set of attested copies of all the relevant documents at the time of interview. In case, any of the information furnished by the applicant, found fake or bogus, candidature of the particular candidate will stand cancelled and legal action shall be taken against the particular candidate.
  7. Applicants already in Government service should produce NOC at time of interview.
  8. Incomplete applications as well as received after due date shall not be entertained.
  9. No TA/DAM! be admissible for the purpose of test I interview
  10. The competent authority reserves the right to cancel I postpone recruitment process at any stage.
  11. Last date of submission of Application Form is 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
  12. Application form should be directly sent to under mentioned address of Bureau Of Emigration & Overseas Employment (without any test fee), not later than 15 days from date of publication of this advertisement.

Director Admn
Emigration Tower, Plot No. 10, Mauve Area
Sector G-8/1, Islamabad


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