Army Public College of Management & Science (APCOMS) Jobs


Latest Jobs in Army Public College of Management & Science (APCOMS) August 2020

Army Public College of Management & Science (APCOMS) invites job application for the following pots on contract / permanent basis:

Post Name:-

  1. Professor
  2. Associate Professor
  3. Assistant Professor
  4. Lecturer


  • Electrical
  • Software Engineering and Management Science


  • Applications are required to submit two copies of the application, dossiers, including detailed CV and attested photocopies of all educational documents, professional experience certificate, research publication, copy of CNIC, two recent photographs and bank draft of Rs. 1000/- (non refundable) in the name of APCOMS Rawalpindi
  • The institution reserves the right to fill any postilion / withhold the appointment against any advertised position or to accept / reject any application without assigning any reason.
  • The candidates applying for the position must enlist the attached documents with signature
  • Last date to submit application is 13-08-2020

Army Public College of Management & Science (APCOMS),
Khadim Hussain Road, (Lalkurti), Rawalpindi


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